Day in the Life of a Journalism Student

Being a university/college student in itself can be quite challenging. Not all the time but it definitely has its mountains.

My mountain often comes in the shape of a typical day, my busiest day every week without fail.

Many of you may already know, I am in my final year, completing my journalism degree. This degree has taught me so much and I have further developed my love for writing and creating content.

So, without further ado, I give you A DAY IN THE LIFE OF A JOURNALISM STUDENT.

My typical Tuesday begins at 08:31. My actual first alarm ring goes off at 08:00 but today was a rather slow morning. Side note: catching up on YouTube videos before bed is ideally not recommend.

Alarm stopped, and I’ve now moved on to the bathroom to wake myself up. If I stay in bed, there is no way of me waking up. I have to brush my teeth and wash my face, after this I am just about awake and ready for the day.


Post bathroom, I simply apply some moisturizer to my face and move on to fix myself a cup of coffee and/or a bowl of cereal.


By 09:30 I am out of the door and on the road.


Just before 10:00 I am parked on campus and making my way off to my first class.


My first class at 10:30 is actually a first-year journalism class. As a journalism tutor (my current part-time job), I have to attend all of the first-year journalism lectures. I then tutor the classes on a Monday.

12:05, on to the next class, my actual class. This is communications class, it is not my favourite, but it has its days.

At 13:45 class ends, and I have fifteen minutes to myself before I have to go upstairs to my office at the department of Journalism. I normally spend these few minutes getting a cup of coffee (the office is quite cold) or I’ll just spend it catching up with some friends.


As a tutor I have to complete five hours in the office each week. I complete two of those five hours on a Tuesday from 14:00 to 16:00. This is when the students can come to the office to see me if they have any questions or concerns about their modules, assignments or upcoming tests.

16:00 and four episodes of Freakish later, it is finally time to go home.

Before leaving campus I make sure I have gone to the loo and I have everything I need, i.e. my water bottle is filled up, because I know I am about to sit in traffic for around a hour to a hour and a half.


Today was actually a good day as I was ready to greet Miss Loki by 17:13.


From there on I like to catch up a little bit with my mum while I upload a new blog post, since she is normally home before me. Then comes a steaming bath, today I treated myself and went with a face mask.

Post bath, I am ready to relax.

And that concludes my day.









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